Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rock Creek Pizza

This is a great company to work with. This is round 2 with them and both times have been fantastic in every way. Merry Christmas! (Sorry for the couple that wouldn't rotate! Can't seem to get it to work. ? Tilt your head, same effect. :)

Maxwell Flooring

It's so nice to have returning customers, and especially ones so nice as these folks. Here's their Christmas windows for the year! Simple and sweet. Wish I could have taken more pictures but there were lots of cars parked in front when I went to take them. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rocky Creek Pizza

I haven't had the chance to paint any autumn time windows, so I was so excited about this opportunity! These windows were perfect size and height, so it made the experience even better. Not to mention the beautiful weather and the nice manager I was working with. He said he wanted something basic, like leaves and pumpkins, and eye catching. Hopefully it brings in lots of business for them! They have great pizza!